© 2013 Becky Joy Abandoned House oil 6 inches x 6 inches $125.
click here to purchase.
Today was a day of errands. I woke up late, finally got on the treadmill after an hour and a half or so on the computer. While I was on the treadmill, I remembered that I was meeting a bunch of artists today at 11:30. After a quick shower, it was on the road. It was a great lunch-meeting with some good networking. I learned all kinds of things that were going on locally here. Anyway, ideas are forming now. I then stopped at my daughter’s house, talked a while with her and the grandkids, went to the store with her and borrowed her camera.
I came home a took some photos of a bunch of paintings. (Her camera is a better one than mine. I use it for special photos here and there.) After that, I finally got down to some painting this afternoon. I intended to work on a large one today, but it didn’t happen. This was it! This painting is similar to a plein air that I painted in Oregon. This time, I played with the edges a little more and tried to loosen up with all but the white of the house. The field is looser with a pathway of a couple of strong strokes.
Tomorrow, there’s always tomorrow for the big painting and to get that one more little painting caught up. I am behind one now. This weekend I spent most of my time rebuilding my webite, Easel Notes. I opened a website on the computer while I had my webpage open. It attacked my website before I knew it. I had to go into the html to remove it and while I was at it, I was putting in a new header, then a new menu……… Well, it was a big job. I’m not quite done, but it’s looking a lot better. Some little changes and additions and it will be in pretty good shape. Then, I’ll try to start posting on it more.
Talk to you all later.