I’m in Italy now teaching a workshop. If you are womdering what happened to me and my newsletter last month, I was moving. I’m still in Phoenix, just a new place. I didn’t realize how much stuff I had acquired in my studio. Needless to say, I’ve been busy. Anyway, it has been a very interesting workshop here in Tuscany Italy. I’ve had a real mix of students, England, Canada, the US and Saudia Arabia. They have been a fabulous group. My internet has been brief and sporadic at times. It has been three or maybe four days since I started this post. Ill catch you up here with a few photos.
Workshop students
First demo 6×8 oil
Me wandering around Pisa
Second demo 6×8 oil
Market demo 6×8 sold
Sketching at a castle
Visiting Lucca
Much more to come, but it takes a while to do a blog post. Ill add more later.