© 2013 Becky Joy Willamette Valley Farm oil on panel 6 inches x 6 inches $125.
Click here to purchase. Free shipping in Continental US
OK, I’m falling down on the blogging job, not the painting job. The blogging is much harder!
I’m on the road again. I was busy yesterday working on and finishing my ebook. I now have a pdf ebook, How to Create Beautiful Paintings Using Foundational Concepts. I went through the formatting for Amazon and have wasted some time there uploading it 3 times. I’ve read the directions, but I’m still having trouble with images….later.
I had an eventful day yesterday or maybe it was Friday. I found out that my painting, Strength and Serenity was accepted to the American Impressionist Society Show. I painted this painting while I was in Yosemite. Nothing like working on a deadline, 2 days to spare! I knew when I left that I didn’t have anything to enter and was kind of sweating it. Made it, Yay! Below is the painting Strength and Serenity.
I painted another painting here in Eastern Oregon where I am now, but it was too dark to photograph. So, it will probably be two images tomorrow.
© 2013 Becky Joy Strength and Serenity oil 11 inches x 14 inches
Time to log off and get to bed. Talk to you all tomorrow.